Iglesia de Sant Sadurní de Fustanyà | Vall de Ribes

La iglesia de Sant Sadurní de Fustanyà es una iglesia románica del s. XII que surgió de la reedificación sobre la primitiva iglesia consagrada en el año 978. Está situada en Fustanyà, un conjunto de casas situado a 1240 m. de altitud,  a 1 km de Queralbs.

Tiene una sola nave con vuelta apuntada y un ábside más pequeño con cornisa de ménsulas y ventana central, está separado de la nave por un arco de triunfo. El portal se halla en la fachada a mediodía y está formado por arquivueltas en degradación. La puerta conserva el herraje románico. El campanario es del siglo XVI. La iglesia ha sido restaurada y se ha incorporado un nuevo atrio, similar al que debía haber en siglos anteriores.


Christopher ha dicho que…
A researcher who loves the region of Queralbs reports this curious bit of local history. Some say that in the 12th century, witches and humans lived in harmony. In their infinite vanity, men wanted a perfect church, but were incapable of finding the best stone, and hadn’t enough imagination to lay out the floor plan and realize it. So they got some witches together and told them they wanted to build a temple dedicated to them, but knew they couldn’t do so without the witches’ help. And how grateful the witches were, as they worked through the night choosing be best blue marble, transporting it to Fustanyà, and placing one stone carefully on another, with incredible precision, forming the perfect house the men had drawn on the ground. But soneone did a little more talking than he should have. “What you’re building is a church! Don’t you see? You’ve been fooled!” Resentfully, the witches withdrew to their caves. The belltower had to be made by men, with their irregularity, their bad taste, their bad work.

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